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RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre


The primary aim of the Journal is to give an opportunity to the Romanian and foreign experts,  researchers and PhD students to publish their latest results in the following fields: Geomatics, Geodesy, GPS, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Topography, Cadastre, GIS and Land Registry.



edited by

 Department of Topography

„1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania




The Journal is indexed in:

Index Copernicus


Directory of Research Journals Indexing - DRJI


Academic Resource Index - Research Bib










Prof.Dr.habil.eng. Ioan IENCIU, iienciu@yahoo.com

Prof.Dr. Levente DIMEN, dimenlev@yahoo.com

Prof.Dr.habil.eng. Luciana OPREA, lucii_oprea@yahoo.com