Submitting the paper
The journal is issued twice a year, in June and December. The Journal publishes scientific articles in print volume wich is disponible also in an online version (ISSN 2068-5203, ISSN-L 2068-519X) and is indexed in international databases.
For the June issue, the full papers will be submitted until May 1, and for the December issue, until November 15.
Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. eng. Ioan IENCIU,
Prof. Dr. Levente DIMEN,
Assoc.Prof. Dr. eng. Luciana OPREA,
Review Policy
This journal uses double-blind review. To ensure the quality standards of the „RevCAD - Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre”, the scientific papers received from the authors are subject to blind peer reviewing by Scientific Board. The objective of the scientific evaluation is ensuring that all the papers that are accepted to be published in journal have a high value of the scientific content and original contributions to the specific topic.
The Peer-Review Scientific Board members ensure that:
- the manuscripts correspond to the requirements of the „Instruction for Authors”;
- the title of the paper corresponds to the topics of the journal;
- the paper is original and brings new aspects and contributions to the field;
- the paper has an adequate scientific content;
- the „aims” of the work is clearly stated;
- the eventual measurements are interpreted adequately in the „discussion” section;
- the „English wording” is readable and acceptable.
Recommendation for publication:
- Reject (explain reason in report);
- Accept without revision;
- Revise – either major or minor (explain the revision that is required).
The editor ultimately decides whether to accept or reject the article.
Publishing taxes
Publishing taxes will be established on the Scientific symposia:
- International Symposium GeoCAD – „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia;
- International Symposium GEOMAT - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi.
The papers can be submitted out of Scientific symposia without publishing taxes.
The language of the Journal is exclusively English. Contributions will be considered only if they have not been previously published or been submitted elsewhere. Papers will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors.
There will be accepted only the papers edited in an even number of pages - no more than 8 pages, including: title, author/s, abstract, real text, charts, drawings and references, in one of the text processing versions WORD 2000, 2003 or 2007 version.
It is strongly recommended to observe this given paper format. We kindly advice you to input your paper text in „RevCAD_Paper template” which is already properly formatted.
Technical conditions:
- Page setup: 3cm margin on top of page and 2.5cm margins to all other sides;
- Paper size: A4;
- Language: Papers should be written in English Language;
- Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Colour Black;
- Align text: justify or full;
- Line spacing: single spaced.
Use an English keyboard layout and the Symbol Font for Greek letters and mathematical symbols. If you present your data in a table or a figure, include a title describing of these. All tables, figures, with their titles must be inserted within the text following their citation.
Organisation of paper:
- Title of the paper;
- Authors and their affiliation;
- Abstract;
- Keywords;
- Introduction;
- Materials and Methods;
- Results and Discussion;
- Conclusions;
- References.
The responsibility for content of the published paperworks exclusively belongs to the authors.
The Scientific Board’s role is to get fit and to verify the accuracy of facts included in these paperworks.