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RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre



RevCAD 13/2012 Cover
D. Badea, K. Jacobsen - Filtering the LiDAR Data     5
O. Badescu, P. Dumitru, M. Plopeanu - Geoid Modelling by Astro-Geodetic Measurements     18
S. Bofu, C. Bofu, L. Crenganis - Integrating Graphic and Alphanumeric Information in a GIS Application using 19-th Century Maps from Iasi County     25
A.Calin, P. Dumitru - Geodetic Methods for Landslide Determination     33
T. S. Clinci, P. I. Dragomir - Positioning Techniques Used in Engineering Geodesy     41
P. I. Dragomir, D. Onose, A. Saracin, Gh. Badea, C. Didulescu, A. C. Badea, A. Savu, A. Negrila, T. Clinci - Modernization of Study Programs – Goal of Romanian Geodetic Education     48
 P.I. Dragomir, V. Sorta - The Situation in Eastern Europe about Geoid/Quasigeoid Models Determination     57
A. A. Dragos, F. Statescu, D. Padure - Mapping Soils on the Farm Cristesti, jud. Iasi     68
C. Grecea, C. B. Vilceanu - Possibilities of Monitoring the Areas Affected by Natural Calamities using Intergraph Technology     75
M. R. Gridan, C. Grecea - "Surfer" Solution, Tool for Terrain Modelling     85
  C. Moldoveanu, V. Danciu, T. Rus. - Dynamic Model for Data Processing of Repeated Geodetic Measurements     91
H. Hogas, L. Crenganis, D. Padure, C. Pirvan - Considerations Regarding the Cadastre Works Achievement in Romania     100
C. Hutanu, Gh. Nistor, D. Padure - Data Base of Vineyard Cadastre Informational System     107
V. Moca, M. Cardei, O. Radu, C. Hutanu, C. Savu - Evaluation of Surfaces Calculation Precision from the Digital Base of the Orthophotographs and from Field Measurements using Control Areas of Geodetic Trapezium     117
A.M. Moscovici, A.C. Bala, F.M. Brebu - Spatial Management of Territorial Administrative Units by the Importance of Collaboration between Surveyor and Architect     130
G. Rusu, C. C. Musat - Modern Concepts of 3D Modeling in Geodetic Works     137
M. Popia (Ilica), R. M. Mihalache (Ficiuc) - 3D Measurements for Dimensional Control of a Ship Unit using Leica TDRA6000 Laser Station Technology     147
M. Herbei, L. Dragomir, S. Oncia - Using Satellite Images LANDSAT TM for Calculating Normalized Difference Indexes for the Landscape of Parang Mountains     158
M. Drambarean, M. Breazu - Territorial Evolution of the Fortifications of the Ancient, Medieval and Modern City of Alba Iulia. Morpho - Topographic, Cartographic and 3D Modelling Analysis    168