RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre
Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia
RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre
Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia
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RevCAD 8 / 2008
RevCAD 7 / 2007
RevCAD 6 / 2006
RevCAD 5 / 2005
RevCAD 4 / 2004
RevCAD 3 / 2003
RevCAD 2 / 2002
RevCAD 1 / 2001
RevCAD 11/2011 Cover
N. I. Babuca - New Solutions for the GPS Field Applications. COGO Applications 9
A. Badea, R. Manea, V. Poenaru - Flood Disaster Monitoring Using Radar and Optical Satellite Data 13
C. Bofu, S. Bofu, C. Onu - Monitoring and Management System of a Balastiere 21
F. M. Brebu, R. M. Gridan, A. C. Bãlã - Monitoring of Special Buildings in Connection with Requirments of Environmental Protection 31
I. Buse, V. Nacu, A. I. Anghelescu, I. Stoian, D. Nicolae - Measurement Methods Regarding the Quotations of a Permanent GNSS Station in Altitudinal System MN 75 35
Gh. Chitea, R. Derczeni, E. Iordache, M. Mihaila, I. Vorovencii - Possibilities to Establish the Stands Volume Using GIS and Satellite Recordings 45
P. I. Dragomir, T. Rus, N. Avramiuc, P. Dumitru - EVRF2007 as Realization of the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) in Romania 51
O. L. Filip - Underground Transmission System in the Surface Topography of Reference 63
C. Grecea, R. M. Gridan - Geospital Technology for 3D City and Urban Modelling 69
I. C. Gresita - Expert Systems Used for Monitoring the Behaivor of Hydrotechnical Constructions 75
S. I. Herban, C. B. Vilceanu - The Impact of Geodetic and Topographic Monitoring of Landslides Risk Assessment 85
I. Ienciu, L. Oprea, D. Popa, T. Borsan - The Visibility Between Two Geodesic Points - Informatics Interpretation 91
D. Ilioi, C. Onu, H. Hogas, G. Sandulache - The Determination of Tropospheric Refraction Correction for GPS Measurements 95
I. E. Keller, V. Dohotar, S. Nas, G. Badescu - Some Aspects of Mobile GIS 101
I. Maican, G. Izbasa, I. C. Gresita - The Contribution of 3D Topography in the Implementation of Industrial Projects 107
I. Mihailescu - Real Estate Valuation Modeling with Simple Linear Regression 111
T. Modog, A. Teusdea - Correlations of Drãgan Dam Horizontal Deformations 1D and 2D Interpolated Time Series 121
C. Moldoveanu, V. Olteanu - State of the Art in Terrestrail Laser Scanning Systems at National and International Level 127
L. Muntean, L. Buzila, C. Malos, G. Rosian, L. Stoian, N. Baciu, R. Mihaiescu - GIS Applications for Geomorphological Constraints Assessment within New Residential Areas of Cluj Napoca Municipality 135
M. D. Muntean - FLI-MAP Applications, the Execution Technology, the Characteristics and Utility of Ortophotomaps in Land Survey Works 145
S. Nas, I. E. Keller - Considerations Regarding the Use of Informatic System for Establishing the Maintainance Strategy of Urban Roads Network 153
Gh. Nistor, I. Nistor - Contributions the the Improvement of the Measuring Technology and Precision of the Cyclic Determination of the Vertical Deformation of Constructions using High Precision Geometric Leveling Measurements 159
C. Onu - Current Trends on Monitoring the Deformations of Studied Constructions 169
C. Onu, Gh. Nistor, Gh. Salceanu - Geodesy and Algorithm Method for Determining the Geometrical Axes Inclination of Tall Buildings, with Circular Sections 179
L. Oprea, I. Ienciu, L. Dimen, D. Popa, G. E. Voicu - Optimizing the Legal Cadastral Registration of Land Books and Creating the Specific Database 187
F. G. Pais - The Description of the Main Techniques of Resolving the Phase Ambiguities, the Advantages, Disadvantages and their Characteristics 193
V. A. Roib - Aspects Regarding the Approach to Expropriated Real Estate Valuation 199
O. Stefan, G. Badescu, M. Soponar - Achievement In The Mining Cadastre CN Remin SA - Need, Stages And Content 203
I. Stoian, V. Nacu - Zoning of Areas and Populated Centers for Reducing the Effects of Natural Disasters 209
C. C. Teresneu - Using Geographical Information Systems Facilities in Order to Manage Torrential Hydrographic Basins 219
I. Vorovencii, Gh. Chitea, E. Iordache, M. Mihaila - DEM Generation from ASTER Satellite Data 229
A. Popa, E. Koncsag, M. Palamariu - Deformation Analysis at the Main Dam from the Stejăriş Complex, Ocna Mureş 239