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RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre


RevCAD 8/2008 Cover
  C. Cosarca, D. Onose, A. Savu, A. Negrila - Geometrical Expertise and Dimensional Control of the Elements of Construction to the Hydrotechnics Buildings     9
  M. Csordasne Marton - Solving System of Differential Equations with Polinomial Matrices     17
  L. Kottyan, G. Nagy, A. Szepes - Developing of A GIS Based Enviromental Monitoring System with Open Source Softwares     23
T. Rus, C. Moldoveanu, C. Marcu, V. Danciu - Actually Contribution at Geodynamic Determination in Romania     29
I. F. Dana, K. Jacobsen, F. Zavoianu - DEM Generation Using Optical / Radar Satellite Images - A Comparative Study     37
 C. Grecea, A. Bala, E. Oros - Studies and Geodetic Solutions for Future Evaluations and Monitoring Crustal Movements in Banat County     47
A. Styliadis - Personalized E-Learning in a re-usable Way: A Proposed Cultural Heritage Management System Design - The Architecture     55
I. Paliokas, A. Lambadas, F. Tseggelidis, D. Papadopoulou, A.D. Styliadis - E-Learning CAAD with VR and Landscape Architecture Rendering Functionality     75
C. A. Andrei, C. Ruizhi - Assessment of Tropospheric Zenith Path Delay Time Series at the Romanian EUREF Permanent GPS Stations     89
S. Herban - Conception and Possible Results for Interdisciplinary Planning of Landslides Areas From Romania     99
V. David - The Steps To Generation of the Digital True Orthophotos     105
C. Musat - Building Observation for Analysis of Displacements and Deformations in Geodetic Networks for Civil Constructions     109
 Gh. Nistor, Gh. Salceanu - Aspects Concerning the Adoption of the Pan-European International Standard in the Terrestrial Measurements Activity in Romania     115
C. Chirila - Converting Plane Rectangular Coordinates from the Stereographic Projection - 1970 into the Gauss Projection, by Means of the Constant Coefficients" Method     123
C. Chirilă - Converting Plane Rectangular Coordinates from the Gauss Projection into the Stereographic Projection - 1970, by Means of the Constant Coefficients" Method     129
 I. Vorovencii - The Realisation of Satellite Remote Sensing     133
I. Vorovencii - The Use of Aerial and Satellite Images in Detection and Monitoring the Forest Fires     141
V. V. Nacu, I. Stoian, F. Radulescu, D. Mateciuc, Z. Malita - The Roll of the Geodesy in the Romanian Seismicity Study     147
D. Docan, I. Dana, C. Moise - Methods of Spatial Information Analysis in the Framework of Building the Integrated Administration and Control System in Romania     157
 L. Baltesiu, R. Mudura, D. Mihai, G. Nicolescu, V. Purcarea-Ciulacu - GIS-A Tool for Monitoring and Management of Epidemics     167
C. C. Teresneu - Possibilities for Realizing the Calculations in the GIS Databases     175
A. A. Mamulea, I. F. Dana - Combined Method for Thematic Update of the Land Use Inventory by Remote Sensing/GIS technology, Support for the Implementation of the European Agriculture and Environment Programs     185
N. Babuca - Efficient GPS Measuring Methods for Land Communication Routes     193
 L. Dimen, N. Ludusan - Environment Assessment and Modelling     199
 E. Iordache - Application of GIS in the Forest Management in Romania     209
C. Moise, V. G. Olteanu, C. T. Florescu - Considerations on Elaborating Medium-Scale Digital Geomorphologic Map of Romania     213
V. Arad, T. Goldan - Climate Change and Its Interaction with Natural, Economic and Social Processes     217
T. Goldan, V. Arad - The Role of Natural Causes and Human Activities in Climate Change     225
C. Burja, V. Burja - Marketing Strategies for Agricultural Holdings     233
T. Rusu - The Influence of Minimum Tillage Systems Upon the Soil Properties and Yield in Some Arable Crops     241
I. Ferencik, O. L. Muntean, R. Mihaiescu, L. Dimen - Assessment of Soil Erosion Using Usle and GIS (Case Study: Varzari Coal Quarry, Romania)     247
M. A. Grigoras - Development and Growth in a Sustainable Society     257
M. D. Orban, M. D. Marcu - The Managerial Responsibility in the Durable Development Stage at the Lignite Exploitation from Romania     216
M. Popa, D. Popa, S. Varvara - On the General Lines of the Sustainable Development Strategy in Romania in the Context of European Developments     265
C. Burja - The Romanian Organic Food Products Market in the Context of European Union Integration     271
C. Popescu, C. Popescu - Sustainable Development - A Multidimensional Concept     279
 G. Badescu, C. Spatar, M. Soponar - Some Consideration Regarding Realization Using Technologis GPS, Network Elevations Using Rapid Static Metod Comparation RTK Measurement     285